Lord Lingfield (President) and the Trustees of the League of Mercy have announced that the Badge of the Order of Mercy was conferred in July 2017 upon the following:
Mrs Penny Beveridge, Spurgeons, Northamptonshire
Mrs Catharine Browning, The Friends of the Wisdom Hospice, Kent
Major David Burberry, Sussex Army Cadet Force, East Sussex
Mrs Sheila Clarke, Macmillan Cancer Support, London
Mr Paul Crompton, Lewis-Manning Hospice, Dorset
Mrs Eve Greenway, Barnet & District CancerLink, Herts
Mrs Rosemary Grove, Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice, Peterborough
Mrs Frances Groves, Catalyst Stockton Ltd, Stockton-on-Tees
Dr Michael Hall, Diabetes UK, London
Mr John Hambly, Samson Centre for MS, Surrey
Mr Barrie Hewitt, Royal Masonic Trust for Girls & Boys, Hampshire
Mr Fred Holland, Diabetes UK Midlands, Walsall
The Revd Dame Barbara Mary Johnson OSB, Edgware Abbey, Middlesex
Mrs Jean Johnson, Compton Hospice, Wolverhampton
Mrs Gill Jones, George Thomas Hospice Care, Cardiff
Mr Karl Jones, Senior Citizen Liaison Team Charity, Somerset
Miss Christine Keattch, Holy Cross Hospital, Surrey
Mrs Jayne Mott , The League of Friends of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Shrewsbury
Mr Michael Price, Birmingham St Mary's Hospice
Mrs Hana Reid, St Richard's Hospice, Worcester
Mr Robert Seath, Northern Ireland Hospice, Belfast
Mrs Lynne Taylor, Hospice in the Weald, Tunbridge Wells
Mrs Wendy Tomes, The Thalidomide Trust, Cambridgeshire
Lieutenant Peter Ward, Cadet Force Bands, Shrewsbury
Mrs Elizabeth Yates, St Margaret's Hospice, Somerset